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The Sicilian Mentor

Sharing “Golden Nuggets” during Public Speaking presentations

When we are writing our presention, in particular the Body of our presentation…how much should we give the audience?  Do we give them the whole pizza pie? I learned from my father, Dr. Alfonso DiMino, “Always leave the table wanting more.”  And we have to use this same idea when we are presenting our product or services.   We do not wan to overwelhm our audience with so much information that they forget it. We have to create our “Golden Nuggets.”  These are the best of the best pieces of information about our product or services.  If we have 27 features, […]

Public Speaking: Practice your Presentation

A lot of my clients ask me what they should practice and how much should they practice.  Here is a video I did about that subject.  I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. Leave a comment. Let me know how you practice. Ciao, Maurice www.MauriceDiMino.com