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The Sicilian Mentor

Public Speaking Fear

Here is a good friend of mine, Arvee Robinson, with three great suggestions on how to overcome the Fear of Public Speaking. Let me know what you fear about Public Speaking so that we can work on it together.  “Where there is a Will, there is a Way.”  That’s what my mom always told me. Wishing Public Speaking Success Ciao, Maurice  www.MauriceDiMino.com

Public Speaking: Eye Contact and Your Presentation

When we give our presentation, we have to remember there is one skill set, one piece of speaking etiquette we have to follow…and that is: Eye Contact. Even though we may want to shy away from it, we may feel insecure to look our audience right into their eyes – we have to understand eye contact is part of public speaking etiquette.  In other words, it is expected by our audience. In my latest article, I discuss some of my problems with eye contact and the reason we need to demonstrate and use this key presentation skill. You may find […]