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Public Speaking / 11 posts found

Sicilian Mentor & Presentation Skills

Here is a good video on Presentation Skills.  Let me share this with you: I do this thing I call “Chemistry.”  I take a little bit from here and a little bit from there…then I shake it up and I use what works for me.   And the rest of it…I throw it out.  Find what works for you and use it. Ciao, Maurice www.MauriceDiMino.com

Public Speaking & Public Speaking Classes

If you want to overcome the fear of public speaking, learn various tips and tricks to become a good speaker, and need to know the correct way of practicing things, joining public speaking classes would be your best bet.  Most of these classes have lesson plans that help you overcome your shyness and fear, learn the ropes of the trade and finally become good enough to hold the attention of your audience on your own. Read the rest of the ARTICLE HERE. Ciao, Maurice www.MauriceDiMino.com