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The Sicilian Mentor

Mastering Public Speaking – 3 Tips to Become a Pro Speaker

Found this interesting article.  I hope you enjoy it: Learning how to master public speaking is something that takes time and practice. It is a skill that is cultivated with time, hard work, and lots of actual speaking in front of audiences. There are three main factors that go into being a pro speaker: charisma, controlling nerves, and mastery of speech content. Here are three concepts to help master these aspects of public speaking. 1. Charisma building exercises Charisma is the power to engage an audience and make them care about what you have to say. Charisma is something many […]

Public Speaking Commentary

There has been a thought that has been going through my head for the last couple of weeks when it comes to Public Speaking.  A lot of my clients ask me: What is a good trait to have when it comes to public speaking, giving presentations? Over the years I have given different answers to this question.  I am sure it has changed based upon where I was with my public speaking…or it depended on the wants and needs of my coaching clients.  Though I never came to a definite answer.  Well, I just might have one… “Consistent Persistence” We need […]