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The Sicilian Mentor

Sicilian Mentor and The Friday Funnies

I think I have found a way to learn Italian and laugh at the same time! Check out this Monty Python video with Italian Subtitles. Here is a great way to learn Italian. See if you can pick up a couple of phrases and have a good laugh on this Friday. Have a great weekend. Ciao, Maurice www.MauriceDiMino.com

Public Speaking: Breathing and other essentials

Here’s a great video to remind us to breath during our presentations. As part of the Siclian Mentor Presentation Template…the very first thing you do…is to breath. It settle the nerves, it puts us in the present moment and it allows you to take control of the lecturn. You want to show the audience who’s “Boss” when you speak. Enjoy the video. Ciao, Maurice www.MauriceDiMino.com