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The Sicilian Mentor

Public Speaking Commentary

When is it a career and not a hobby? According to Anthony Robbins:  “One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.”  I was quite successful at selling and renting post production equipment. I was known as the “Million Dollar Man” because I would generate sale that were north of the million dollar mark. My company liked me. My boss liked me. And I was having a good run. Then I was […]

The Sicilian Mentor & The Friday Funnies

This has got to be my favorite sketch of Monty Python…and it has Italian subtitles so it is funny and educational.  We can learn a little Italian as we enjoy our Friday Funnies. Have a great weekend. Ciao, Maurice www.MauriceDiMino.com